Anti Ragging

SL No Name Designation Mobile E-Mail
1 Dr. C. B. Tripathi Prof. of FMT 8578003016 [email protected]
2 Dr. G. S. Patnaik Prof. of Orthopedics 9525263204 [email protected]
3 Dr. R. N. Sharma Prof of Pharmacology 7250585314 [email protected]
4 Dr.(Mrs) Manjushree Prof. of Microbiology 9431223242 [email protected]
5 Dr. Janardan Prasad Prof. of Surgery 9431174467 [email protected]
6 Dr. Sadhana Singh Warden, Girls Hostel 9430887322 9430887322
7 Dr. Ravi Shekhar Warden, Boys Hostel 7091022702 [email protected]
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