Community Medicine

Community Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the health of populations. It strives to protect and promote the health and well-being of the community through the Primary Health Care approach. Health needs of populations are measured and appropriate strategies are developed to improve the health status of the community through health promotion, disease prevention and health protection.

Training in Community Medicine aims at nurturing Primary Care Physicians who can recognize and mange common health problems in the community. The Community-oriented Primary Care Physician will have the ability to identify, prioritize and manage the health problems of the community. He / She would be an effective leader of the health team at primary care level.

The Department offers educational opportunities for individuals pursuing careers in the patient-care professions, public health and the biomedical sciences, advancing knowledge through epidemiological, bio-statistical, clinical, ethical, legal, behavioral and social research, developing and evaluating innovative health care services and prevention programs, and assisting health care and public health professionals improve their effectiveness through consultation and continuing educational programs.

The Department of Community Medicine at Narayan Medical College and Hospital is committed towards imparting quality teaching and training in the conceptual, theoretical aspects and practice of Community Medicine through a transparent and multi disciplinary approach and by networking with other service delivery institutions of primary health care, voluntary organizations and institutes of national importance, thereby paving way for
  • acquiring adequate clinical skills so as to serve as first level physician in clinical as well as preventive health care in different health care settings particularly the primary health care setting
  • clarity among the students of medicine and various paramedical courses in understanding the complexity of community organization and behavior in matters related to health and for making community diagnosis
  • improved skills in planning and providing services for the promotion, maintenance monitoring and restoration of health for the individuals, families and communities
  • enhanced skills for research on clinical and community health issues


World No Tobacco Day 2023